ACIP runs five preservation centers with Varanasi being the flagship of its Sanskrit input operations. Headed by Dr. Santosh Dwivedi, Manager of India Operations, this center is responsible for locating and preserving the original paper and palm leaf manuscripts that provide the basis for hundreds of thousands of works of Sanskrit literature that details Indian civilization. They are then input into e-text, entered into a database, making all input text searchable using a custom software. This will start the process to have them translated into different languages around the world.
It also coordinates the work of scholars such as DR N.V Ramachandran, director of ACIP Sanskrit Project in Kerala, whose life work is devoted to collecting and scanning thousands of manuscripts.
Varanasi is instrumental in aiding North American researches in their work to locate and procure ancient Sanskrit works. These works are processed and then made available on ACIP, accessible and free-to-use for users worldwide.